EVENT ORGANISED BY: Arts & Humanities Research Council

Tackling social and regional inequalities and injustices requires diverse sectors to work together to co-design and co-produce place-based projects or initiatives. This online event explores conditions for developing and embedding cross-sector design collaboration in placemaking. It highlights the value experimentation and enables the creation of a collaborative economy.

Throughout 2024, the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Place-Based Research Programme is publishing a series of policy briefs based on innovative arts and humanities research in all 4 nations of the United Kingdom.

In this event, we share insights from the Cross-pollination project, and make recommendations to support cross-sector design collaboration in placemaking. The project was delivered as a partnership between The Open University and The Glass-House Community Led Design, working with a range of local partners in England, Scotland and Wales.

The findings and recommendations will be presented by the Cross-pollination team. We will then invite our “respondents”, Jessie Johnson, Head of Knowledge at Design Council and Claire Robison, Partnerships Director at Chichester Community Development Trust, to briefly share their thoughts/reactions, followed by an open discussion with all those attending.

Along with our colleagues from The Open University, we will be sharing our findings from the project and making recommendations to inform policy and practice, and to encourage communities to collaborate across sectors in placemaking.

Visit the event page on Eventbrite.