The Role of Effective Community Design Engagement Strategies

Setting a design engagement strategy starts with a commitment to investing sufficient time, research, conversations and planning to explore and […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Nov 24, 2022

Unpicking Design Engagement

What The Glass-House refers to as “design engagement” is often quite different from the standard consultation we see on most […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Nov 17, 2022

Engaging Communities in Design Decision Making

In the past few months, we’ve had some interesting conversations within communities, with local authorities, with designers and a range […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Nov 10, 2022

Working with an Ethic of Care

Opinion piece Having worked at The Glass-House for a while now and having built my confidence and familiarity with The […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Jun 21, 2022

Demanding Quality in our Public Realm by Sophia de Sousa

Today I was looking through photos on my phone and came across this image. I honestly can’t remember where I […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Jan 26, 2022

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Sophia de Sousa

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers’, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Jan 12, 2022

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Jake Stephenson-Bartley

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers‘, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Dec 9, 2021

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Toni Dyer Miller

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers’, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 22, 2021

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Elly Mead: Five Thoughts to Share

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers‘, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Elly Mead

Posted on Nov 10, 2021

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Deborah Ajia: Experimentation in community engagement

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers’, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Deborah Ajia

Posted on Oct 27, 2021