In an exciting development of our WEdesign programme we are working with Chichester Community Development Trust (CCDT) on an upcoming event, The Connected City.
Using our WEdesign event model, The Connected City will invite local people and organisations to explore how they can best work together to make practical, tangible, and positive social impacts in the Chichester District.
About the Event
The Connected City – WEdesign event in Chichester
What does it mean to feel truly connected to a place, a city, or a community? Can we really build a culture where people feel they belong, are listened to, and have the power to shape the future, no matter their age or situation?
For many, the impact of the pandemic hasn’t brought a sense of unity, but rather a feeling of isolation within the community. This workshop will discuss how we can change that, ensuring the community’s health and well-being moving forward.
As Mother Teresa once said, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.”
In this workshop, we’ll explore the vital role of placemakers and all of us in tackling issues like inclusivity, social cohesion, and access to community resources, and how we can create a city that truly supports and nurtures its people.
Join us for this free co-design event in collaboration with The Glass-House Community Led Design, where we will explore these issues through discussion, debate and playful making activities.
This is a free event but places are limited. Book now to secure your place.
Refreshments and informal networking from 1.00 – 2:00pm, with a prompt start at 2.00pm, finishing at 4.00pm.
About WEdesign
WEdesign in-person events are safe spaces for diverse audiences to come together to explore challenging issues and to work collaboratively to generate ideas and solutions, co-designing ideas for changes to culture, policy and practice through hands-on making activities, discussion and debate.
Find out more about our WEdesign events series here.