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Reconfiguring Place: The Glass-House event series 2019/20

Posted on 3 September 2019

Written by:

Grace Crannis

About the  Reconfiguring Place series

Using the themes of intergenerational cities, housing, high streets and town centres, we’ll be exploring ways to enable citizens as agents of change. Our events are spaces for testing collaborative models for placemaking, which bring together with social, cultural and economic activity, as part of a transformation process to support long-term sustainability. 

The series will explore how our collective assets can be mobilised to support local networks and initiatives, as well as building agency and unleashing the potential of people and places.

We’ll draw together the learning, ideas and recommendations from the Reconfiguring Place series, as well as the physical outputs of our collaborative sessions, at an interactive exhibition and debate in spring 2020.

To find out more about our past and present event series, please visit: