For this season of Glass-House chats, we’ve taken inspiration for the Chat topics from our previous attendees and the latest trends and debate in the fields of design and placemaking. If you’d like to contribute, please email with your suggestions.
About this Session
Place equity has come increasingly under scrutiny over the last couple of years, with the Covid pandemic, Black Lives Matter and other social key movements. However, the challenging questions of land ownership, public versus private and access to high quality spaces and homes have been with us for centuries.
At this Chat, we will be exploring what designing equitable spaces means in the contemporary landscape, along with the key considerations and approaches that will help us achieve them.
Please book tickets for this session here.
About the Series
Glass-House Chats is a safe space to ask questions, explore ideas, approaches and methods, share learning and make connections. These are free sessions, conceived for local authority officers but open to all who are interested, to help build confidence and capacity in the sectors to engage communities in design and placemaking
The sessions will be chaired by The Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa, who will briefly introduce the theme and then open the floor for an informal and open discussion among participants.
To ensure space for meaningful discussion, places are limited to a small group. Key discussion points will be collated and shared after each session.