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COVID-19 has meant that we are all having to make drastic changes to how we live, work and play. Like many, we at The Glass-House have temporarily closed our office, and our team is now working from home.
As a small team used to remote working, we are lucky at The Glass-House to adapt to our changing circumstances with relative ease. Not everyone is so fortunate, and we will be looking at ways we can help people connect and collaborate at this time in which our relationship with the built environment around us, and how we move through it, is so changed.
How do we engage with our communities when our preferred method of engagement, bringing people together, is no longer open to us? We are working with partners to explore ways to keep the conversation going, using both existing and new methods to ensure that our public debate and decision-making draws on a diversity of voices and continues to create opportunities for community leadership and empowerment.
In this period in which many projects and activities will be put temporarily on hold, we will continue to collaborate with our partners, to develop new ideas and approaches and to look back on past work to extract stories, learning and resources that can help and inspire others.
It will be interesting to see how all of our collective working practices are altered by this disruption to the norm, and how priorities shift as physical presence with colleagues and collaborators is no longer a given.
We encourage you to stay in touch and to keep working with us to promote and enable community leadership in design and placemaking. Should you wish to contact us, please do so via email to: info@theglasshouse.org.uk
Credit: @dfdy_ on instagram