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We’re delighted to announce that The Glass-House and The Design Group at The Open University have embarked on a strategic partnership that will innovate, support and promote community-led, participatory and co-design practice for the benefit of better places for all. This partnership will bring together the skills, resources and outreach of the University and our national charity through collaborative action research, public dialogue and support for projects within communities across the UK.
The Glass-House/Open University partnership benefits from a firm foundation of three years’ collaboration (on eight different projects) in participatory action research funded under the Connected Communities Programme, by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).
The Glass-House Team has been granted Visiting Fellow status at The Open University, and we have identified a number of joint projects through which both our organisations can extend learning, reach and impact through collaboration.
Speaking about the partnership, Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa said:
“The Glass-House sees this as an opportunity to embed our learning within a university of international acclaim which shares our passion for design practices that empower people, as well as our values around access and empowerment. Our work to date with the Design Group has shown that there is enormous potential for to create new opportunities for innovation and shared learning.”
From Professor Jeff Johnson of the Design Group, The Open University:
“The Design Group at the Open University is very excited to be working with The Glass-House on a variety of ideas and projects. Our organisations are both complementary and synergetic and we look forward to working on many new joint projects in the future.”
Some of the work we’ve done collaboratively with the Open University to date:
Community Design Exchange
An ongoing exploration for an online platform that allows communities to celebrate their projects and achievements and share knowledge and learning with others embarking on a collaborative project to improve a local open space, community building, housing or a neighbourhood. Visit the beta site: www.communitydesignexchange.org
Scaling up co-design research and practice:
In a spirit of experimentation, collaboration and skills exchange, we’ve worked with Silent Cities, a social enterprise based in Sheffield that builds creative environments where silent voices can flourish. The Community Journalists who emerged from the 2013 Silent Cities programme then co-delivered an innovative workshop with young people in Elephant and Castle to help them explore their local neighbourhood and notions of place through photography, filmmaking and interview skills. We also injected place thinking and expertise into the work of MA students in Design and Innovation and Design and Branding Strategy at Brunel University.
Unearth Hidden Assets through Community Co-Design and Co-Production:
We’ve been supporting Tidworth Mums, an incredibly proactive voluntary group of army and civilian mums based in the garrison town of Tidworth, in Wiltshire in their efforts to improve the experiences of local people with children in the area. With the support of the project, the group continue to increase their influence and voice in local decision-making and placemaking and we’ve also helped them connect with other advocates and groups who support the value of play for families.
For more information about the partnership please contact Communications Manager, Louise Dredge on louise@theglasshouse.org.uk.
We’re delighted to announce that The Glass-House and The Design Group at The Open University have embarked on a strategic partnership that will innovate, support and promote community-led, participatory and co-design practice for the benefit of better places for all. This partnership will bring together the skills, resources and outreach of the University and our national charity through collaborative action research, public dialogue and support for projects within communities across the UK.
The Glass-House/Open University partnership benefits from a firm foundation of three years’ collaboration (on eight different projects) in participatory action research funded under the Connected Communities Programme, by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).
The Glass-House Team has been granted Visiting Fellow status at The Open University, and we have identified a number of joint projects through which both our organisations can extend learning, reach and impact through collaboration.
Speaking about the partnership, Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa said:
“The Glass-House sees this as an opportunity to embed our learning within a university of international acclaim which shares our passion for design practices that empower people, as well as our values around access and empowerment. Our work to date with the Design Group has shown that there is enormous potential for to create new opportunities for innovation and shared learning.”
From Professor Jeff Johnson of the Design Group, The Open University:
“The Design Group at the Open University is very excited to be working with The Glass-House on a variety of ideas and projects. Our organisations are both complementary and synergetic and we look forward to working on many new joint projects in the future.”
Some of the work we’ve done collaboratively with the Open University to date:
Community Design Exchange
An ongoing exploration for an online platform that allows communities to celebrate their projects and achievements and share knowledge and learning with others embarking on a collaborative project to improve a local open space, community building, housing or a neighbourhood. Visit the beta site: www.communitydesignexchange.org
Scaling up co-design research and practice:
In a spirit of experimentation, collaboration and skills exchange, we’ve worked with Silent Cities, a social enterprise based in Sheffield that builds creative environments where silent voices can flourish. The Community Journalists who emerged from the 2013 Silent Cities programme then co-delivered an innovative workshop with young people in Elephant and Castle to help them explore their local neighbourhood and notions of place through photography, filmmaking and interview skills. We also injected place thinking and expertise into the work of MA students in Design and Innovation and Design and Branding Strategy at Brunel University.

Unearth Hidden Assets through Community Co-Design and Co-Production:
We’ve been supporting Tidworth Mums, an incredibly proactive voluntary group of army and civilian mums based in the garrison town of Tidworth, in Wiltshire in their efforts to improve the experiences of local people with children in the area. With the support of the project, the group continue to increase their influence and voice in local decision-making and placemaking and we’ve also helped them connect with other advocates and groups who support the value of play for families.

For more information about the partnership please contact Communications Manager, Louise Dredge on louise@theglasshouse.org.uk.