Place: who belongs here? A round-up of our 2016 London Debate
In the final debate of our Series A Place for Everyone?, we set out to explore the theme of belonging […]
Podcast / Place: a shared responsibility?
On 3 February, we held our first ever Nottingham debate, exploring the question – Place: a shared responsibility? Our speakers […]
Place: who belongs here? Think piece #2
By Joanna Massie Place: from a shared stake to shared responsibility What makes a sense of place – and how […]
Place: a shared responsibility? Nottingham responds..
For our first ever debate in Nottingham, held on Wednesday 3 February, we discussed the question: ‘Place: a shared responsibility?’. […]
Podcast / Place: the sum of parts?
On 11 November, we held our first ever Manchester debate, exploring the question – Place: the sum of parts? Our […]
Place: the sum of parts? Manchester Debate round up
Last week we continued our Debate Series, A Place for Everyone?, with the question Place: the sum of parts? in […]
Do we accept the status quo in place? A round-up of our London debate
“We are both too ambitious and not ambitious enough” opened our first speaker, Alastair Donald on Wednesday at our fourth […]
To a More Ambitious Place: Do the right people have power in place? Think piece #1
By Robert Johnson Do the right people have power in place? Who has the power to transform place? As a […]