INSPIRED Blog Series: Kinning Park Complex – not just a community space

Kinning Park Complex: Not just a Community Space Kinning Park Complex (KPC) is a community-owned and run building in the […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Apr 27, 2023

Engaging Communities in Design Decision Making

In the past few months, we’ve had some interesting conversations within communities, with local authorities, with designers and a range […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Nov 10, 2022

Enrico’s Journey: A reflection on his Glass-House internship & The State of Play workshop

Enrico shares his journey on the TAP programme internship that he has spent with The Glass-House over the summer and […]

Guest Author

Posted on Aug 31, 2022

Exploring young people’s relationships with place at The Baytree Centre

Over the summer, The Glass-House collaborated with The Baytree Centre, an educational charity and centre for women and girls in […]

Elly Mead

Posted on Aug 24, 2022

People Powered Places: Empowering community champions as experts

May 2022 People Powered Places is Metropolitan Workshop‘s second annual practice-based research project. It aims to explore innovative methods of […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 30, 2022

Down Lane Park: Kick-starting a Community Design Group

February 2022 Haringey Council is working with residents and community partners to deliver a new vision for Down Lane Park […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Feb 16, 2022

GLASS-HOUSE CHATS: Inclusive & Open Design Engagement

This month’s Chat, Inclusive & Open Design Engagement,  explored how we can make design processes more open and inclusive as […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Jan 18, 2022

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Toni Dyer Miller

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers’, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 22, 2021

Children as agents of change: building sustainable futures by Jessica Melville-Brown

I was recently involved in ‘The Glass-House Chats’ series, discussing how we can bring children into the design process. A […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 17, 2021

A Letter to Future Placemakers from Deborah Ajia: Experimentation in community engagement

For our new blog series ‘A Letter to Future Placemakers’, we’re showcasing letters that thoughtfully share learning points from your […]

Deborah Ajia

Posted on Oct 27, 2021