Extracting Placemaking Tools from Minamisanriku

By Martha Isaacs After The Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa returned from her research trip to the seaside town […]

Guest Author

Posted on Jul 2, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Iryado

Places that support, teach and empower Following the tsunami, there was an outpouring of support with volunteers arriving from other […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 20, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Octopus-Kun – a place to craft

The power of activity and enterprise Following the tsunami, one of the biggest challenges for local people, particularly those whose […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 18, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Community Gardening

Displacement and personal investment in temporary spaces One of the initiatives led by the local government following the displacement and […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 15, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Koala Library

What are the most important civic buildings? The first civic building that was rebuilt in Minamisanriku after the tsunami was […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 13, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: The sea as a resource

Can preventative infrastructure compromise the quality and livelihood of a place? Minamisanriku has an economy that is based primarily on […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 11, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Houses or shops?

How can new housing be built in a way that ensures it is supported by local infrastructure? While in Minamisanriku, […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 8, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: What does place mean to us?

Negotiating different personal and community associations with a building or place Minamisanriku is in many ways an idyllic setting, a […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 7, 2015

Lessons from Minamisanriku: Introduction

When I asked a survivor of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Minamisanriku, Japan in June 2011 what we could […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 6, 2015

Building community through theatre making at the New Vic Theatre

How would you start to rebuild your community when almost everything and everyone has been lost? On 4 June, three […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Jun 19, 2013