Podcast / Place: who belongs here?

On 9 March, we held the final debate in our 2015/16 Debate Series in London, exploring the question – Place: […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Mar 15, 2016

Place: who belongs here? A round-up of our 2016 London Debate

In the final debate of our Series A Place for Everyone?, we set out to explore the theme of belonging […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Mar 11, 2016

Place: who belongs here? Think piece #3

Designing material infrastructures to facilitate common belonging By Toby Austin Locke and Lawrence Dodd What does it mean to belong, […]

Guest Author

Posted on Mar 2, 2016

Place: who belongs here? Think piece #2

By Joanna Massie Place: from a shared stake to shared responsibility What makes a sense of place – and how […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 24, 2016