Podcast / Place: a shared responsibility?

On 3 February, we held our first ever Nottingham debate, exploring the question – Place: a shared responsibility? Our speakers […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Feb 29, 2016

Place: who belongs here? Think piece #1

By Dr Noha Nasser Place attachment and collective identity Public spaces are a fundamental feature of cities and urban culture; […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 15, 2016

Place: designed for sharing? A round-up of our recent Edinburgh debate

Last Wednesday in Edinburgh, we held the first debate in our 2015/16 Series, A Place for Everyone?, which explores the […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Oct 28, 2015

Taking a place-based view in supporting neighbourhoods

This blog post was originally published by the National Federation of ALMOs as part of their annual conference held in […]

Maja Luna Jorgensen

Posted on Aug 26, 2015

Extracting Placemaking Tools from Minamisanriku

By Martha Isaacs After The Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa returned from her research trip to the seaside town […]

Guest Author

Posted on Jul 2, 2015

Do we accept the status quo in place? A round-up of our London debate

“We are both too ambitious and not ambitious enough” opened our first speaker, Alastair Donald on Wednesday at our fourth […]

Lucia das Neves

Posted on Mar 20, 2015

To a More Ambitious Place: Do we accept the status quo in place? Think piece #3

By Alexei Schwab The pressure is on for London to build more homes, and we are seeing a raft of […]

Guest Author

Posted on Mar 16, 2015

Is our view of place too short-sighted?

Is our view of place too short-sighted? On Wednesday 11 February, we put this question to an engaged Bristol audience, […]

Maja Luna Jorgensen

Posted on Feb 13, 2015

To a More Ambitious Place: Is our view of place too short-sighted? Think piece #1

By Katy Hawkins Today we continue to see a trend of one mega structure replaced by another; we go from […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 6, 2015

To a More Ambitious Place: Is our view of place too short-sighted? Think piece #2

By Cleo Newcombe-Jones If places are designed to be both people-centric and environmentally resilient it’s difficult to be too short-sighted. […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 6, 2015