The Air We Share: exploring community engagement

The Air We Share was the first event of our 2020/21 WEdesign event series, Co-designing Sustainable Places, in which we […]

Deborah Ajia

Posted on Dec 3, 2020

What’s Vital Now? ‘What If…. Lambeth managed its green spaces for biodiversity and food growing?’ with Incredible Edible Lambeth

What’s Vital Now? is an online series that shares voices from different communities, sectors and disciplines, on what we can […]

Guest Author

Posted on Sep 21, 2020

Reclaiming Streets for People

The city of Milan recently announced that they are radically rethinking how movement around their city centre will work in […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 7, 2020

WEdesign in Glasgow: connections are key

As part of our WEdesign event series, The Glass-House invited participants who attended our first event in Glasgow on 7 […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 21, 2019

WEdesign in Glasgow: bringing intergenerational living to the boil

As part of our WE design event series, The Glass-House invited participants who attended our first event in Glasgow on […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 21, 2019

WEdesign in Glasgow: ‘I’ll talk to my neighbours more!’

By Grace Crannis On 17 October 2019, we partnered with Civic House for Reconfiguring Place: Intergenerational Cities, the first in our 2019/20 […]

Grace Crannis

Posted on Oct 23, 2019

Portobello Connects: mapping magic on the Edinburgh shoreline

By Grace Crannis For Portobello Connects, the penultimate event in our Glass-House national WE design event series, we partnered with […]

Grace Crannis

Posted on Mar 5, 2019

Lessons from Minamisanriku: The sea as a resource

Can preventative infrastructure compromise the quality and livelihood of a place? Minamisanriku has an economy that is based primarily on […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 11, 2015

To a More Ambitious Place: Is our view of place too short-sighted? Think piece #1

By Katy Hawkins Today we continue to see a trend of one mega structure replaced by another; we go from […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 6, 2015

To a More Ambitious Place: Is our view of place too short-sighted? Think piece #2

By Cleo Newcombe-Jones If places are designed to be both people-centric and environmentally resilient it’s difficult to be too short-sighted. […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 6, 2015