To a More Ambitious Place: Do the right people have power in place? Think piece #1

By Robert Johnson Do the right people have power in place? Who has the power to transform place? As a […]

Guest Author

Posted on Nov 3, 2014

Does practice make perfect in place? Glasgow debate round up

“Places are what happen when you’re busy doing other things,” Pauline Gallacher told us at our Debate in Glasgow titled […]

Lucia das Neves

Posted on Oct 6, 2014

To a More Ambitious Place Think Piece Series: Does practice make perfect in place? #3

By Sandra Macaskill and Yasmin Ali People are instrumental to the effective use of places and space. Bridgend Inspiring Growth […]

Guest Author

Posted on Sep 30, 2014

To a More Ambitious Place Think Piece Series: Does practice make perfect in place? #1

By Diarmaid Lawlor There is no perfect place. There are only places. And each place is a map of the […]

Guest Author

Posted on Sep 17, 2014