Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can housing be a catalyst for great places? #3
By Emily Read ‘We expect too much of new buildings, and too little of ourselves.’ Jane Jacobs As we know, […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can housing be a catalyst for great places? #2
By Leslie Barson and Lani Parker Can housing be a catalyst for great places? Let’s start by looking closely at […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can housing be a catalyst for great places? #1
By Grosvenor As well as enduring the slowest economic recovery in more than 100 years, Britain is suffering from a […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Should we build less and reuse more? #3
By Liz Crisp It seems crazy to be writing a blog about whether or not it’s better to build or […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can young people be placemakers? #2
By Jen Marriott As a Town Planner by trade, I know all too well that placemaking isn’t easy for anyone […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can young people be placemakers? #1
By Glass-House Enabler Catherine Greig This question makes me want to shout a resounding YES! I believe that the people […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can we improve health through placemaking? #1
By Matt Bridgestock, Glass-House Enabler As part of the RIAS ‘Architect in the House’ scheme earlier this year, I visited […]

Place Potential Think Piece Series: Can we improve health through placemaking? #2
By Steven Tolson Travelling by bike will help your health and make better places People make PlacesStudents of place making […]

Volunteer Voices: How collaboration can help a community transform derelict land into a thriving green space
By Orsola de Marco One of the most exciting aspects of community-led design projects is being able to witness the […]

Enabler Voices: Inspiration at the end of a roller-coaster journey
By Tina Gough What a delight it was for me to see Gateshead Citizens Advice Bureau settled in their brand […]