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Blog Series Launch: A Place I Love

Posted on 1 September 2022

Written by:

Elly Mead

A call for contributions to our new Glass-House blog series, ‘A Place I Love’.

Within our work at The Glass-House, we are always reflecting on our relationship with place and on what makes different places feel so uniquely special to each of us, both as individuals and as an organisation. 

To celebrate all of the amazing places, spaces, environments, buildings, towns, villages and cities that we love, we are inviting you to join our ‘A Place I  Love’ blog series. Originally inspired by John Mullin’s My Place series, which is featured in the Academy of Urbanism’s publication Here & Now, we have put our own spin on sharing stories about our connections to places and their special significance to us. 

We want to hear from and share the voices of people from all walks of life and of all ages. Our hope is to create a tapestry of different experiences and perceptions of place that will both help raise awareness about how deeply the places around us affect us, and inspire those leading design and placemaking initiatives to engage a diverse range of people in shaping them.

How to contribute to this blog series:

Looking for inspiration? Read The Glass-House team’s blogs by following the links below:

By sending across your blog to The Glass-House, you are consenting to us sharing your image and text as a blog post on our website and to promote the piece on social media, in addition to it potentially being included in any reports, programmes or activities The Glass-House produces.