Published in 2021
Fostering Creative Citizens through co-design and public Makerspaces is a three-year action research project in collaboration with Brunel University London and Tongji University in Shanghai, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and Newton Fund, UK. As this project also draws to a close, we are in the final stages of capturing and sharing our learning.
One of the key The Glass-House contributions to this project was to adapt one of our longstanding workshops, Design by Consensus, to explore the co-design of makerspaces in both China and the UK. Having delivered the workshop in both countries and within a range of settings, we have now produced a facilitation guide to help others deliver this workshop in their own places.
Our Design by Consensus: Makerspaces Facilitation Guide is available to read below.
Read our story about the project and visit the Creative Makerspaces website to learn more about this project and to access other case studies and publications.