Triggering conversations about place: workshop at Paragon

Place is all around us. We interact with it both consciously and not. Our senses and emotions fire messages to […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 18, 2016

New film: Making space for community-led housing in urban areas

Affordable housing is one of the most pressing issues in the UK today. Community-led housing is an opportunity for communities […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Apr 25, 2016

Delivering Homes Differently: Understanding community-led housing in high demand urban areas

On 16 March 2016, the day that George Osbourne made a budget announcement of £60 million pounds for community-led housing, […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Mar 18, 2016

Community-led housing – building homes and capacity

Housing. Whichever way you look at it, it’s an issue that defines our lives and our communities. With a ‘housing […]

Maja Luna Jorgensen

Posted on Feb 29, 2016

Homes and Housing: upcoming events

Housing Development Conference and Exhibition, 4-5 July 2013 at University of Warwick An opportunity from the National Housing Federation, to […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Jun 25, 2013