Designing for Dignity & Independence
Last year, I helped my mother move into a new home. As a fiercely independent woman in her eighties, my […]
Wider Issues in the Built Environment: The Ecological Crisis
This is the third of three think pieces drawing on my own experience of architecture and the built environment, educationally […]
Glass-House Chats: Homes or Housing?
17 October 2023 At our first Glass-House Chat of Season 4, Housing or Homes?, we were keen to explore the […]
Design Training Workshop: Homes & Neighbourhoods by Design
On Saturday 19 November, The Glass-House delivered a full-day, in-person Design Training workshop, which was an introductory session from our […]
Diversifying Design: Natural voices in traditional Damascene architecture
Written by guest author Ahmad Loukeh. Artist, architect, and MSc Urban Regeneration student at the Bartlett School of Planning. Thomas Merton […]
Co-designing shared community space: Play as a Design Tool with Dr Kate Langham
Community engagement in the urban design process requires collaborative approaches that can build effective dialogue to develop a shared understanding of places, […]
What’s Vital Now? ‘What If…. Lambeth managed its green spaces for biodiversity and food growing?’ with Incredible Edible Lambeth
What’s Vital Now? is an online series that shares voices from different communities, sectors and disciplines, on what we can […]
‘Sense of Belonging and Togetherness’ – Creating Better Neighbourhoods
As part of Quality of Life Foundation‘s Sense of Belonging and Togetherness Panel Discussion our Chief Executive Sophia was posed […]
Reconfiguring Place think piece: empowering communities to shape housing
by Melissa Lacide How do we give communities a proactive role in shaping and delivering better quality and more sustainable […]
WEdesign in Glasgow: bringing intergenerational living to the boil
As part of our WE design event series, The Glass-House invited participants who attended our first event in Glasgow on […]