People, Place, Planet: Think Piece by Hajir Kheder
In this edition of our People, Place, Planet: Think Pieces, Hajir Kheder shares her thoughts and ideas about the theme through the lens of social value and collaboration.
Co-creating a Collaborative City: Co-design Sessions with the Community
Summer Intern, Alsa Andriana, writes about our LFA event, ‘Co-creating a Collaborative City’
GLASS-HOUSE CHATS: What is Placemaking Now?
When we work with a new group, be they professionals, community members or students, we find that the crucial first […]
Enabling Community Urban Design Champions
On 24 June, The Glass-House ran a workshop on the principles and vocabulary of urban design for the London Forum […]
Learning from community open spaces: Spaces by Design with Wandle Housing Association tenants and staff
Designing and managing public space is complex work, and often spaces are established or improved, only to find that after […]
Granville New Homes Study Visit: September 2013
Maja Luna Jorgensen, Strategic Projects Manager at The Glass-House:Our day-long study visit and workshop to Granville New Homes on 17th […]
Visioning Sustainable Places during Green Sky Thinking week
As part of Open City’s ‘Green Sky Thinking’ week (15-19 April), we ran a breakfast workshop ‘People, Place and Value: Visioning Sustainable […]
New life in Fountainbridge
Earlier in November we supported a fantastic group who have come together to create a vision to breathe new life […]
Enabler Voices: ‘What value do local people bring to placemaking?’
By Richard Crutchley, Glass-House Enabler Google ‘Andover Estate’ and you’ll find a relentless list of negative outpourings about this sprawling […]
Build Your Neighbourhood: how people, place and value interact
“The essence of good places comes out in what we do.” – Meredith Evans, formerly Corporate Director, Telford and Wrekin […]