TAP Symposium: Transform / Activate / SHAPE

During the summer of 2022, we had the pleasure of partnering with the TAP (Transforming and Activating Places) programme, through […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Sep 21, 2022

Cross-pollination: Design day in Merthyr

This blog was first published on our project website for Cross-pollination: Growing cross-sector design collaboration in placemaking, a collaborative action […]

Guest Author

Posted on Jul 18, 2022

People Powered Places: Empowering community champions as experts

May 2022 People Powered Places is Metropolitan Workshop‘s second annual practice-based research project. It aims to explore innovative methods of […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 30, 2022

Cross-pollinating Glasgow

On 26 April, we gathered together a group of people in the East End of Glasgow, for Share, Connect, Create Glasgow, to talk about how they might work together to make interesting things happen in that neighbourhood and in the city as a whole.

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on May 10, 2022

Designing a More Inclusive Bloomsbury: participatory planning project with The Glass-House and UCL students

This student project was developed in collaboration between The UCL Bartlett School of Planning and The Glass-House Community Led Design, working with Dr Yasminah Beebeejaun and Ju Eun Kim.

Guest Author

Posted on Jun 9, 2020

Reimagining Moorfoot: Steel drums on the steel route

By Grace Crannis For Reimagining Moorfoot: co-design, connections and city spaces, the second event in our Glass-House WE design 18/19 […]

Grace Crannis

Posted on Nov 30, 2018

Redefining our collaborative design language at Beyond Buzzwords

Community-led and community-engaged design are increasingly part of the development and regeneration narrative, but what do these terms actually mean? […]

Myra Stuart

Posted on Oct 19, 2018

Place: who belongs here? A round-up of our 2016 London Debate

In the final debate of our Series A Place for Everyone?, we set out to explore the theme of belonging […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on Mar 11, 2016

People, place and policy: our evidence to the House of Lords

On 11 November, I gave oral evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on National Policy for the Built […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Dec 8, 2015

Secrets of Buildings – The Glass-House featured in FX Magazine

In this month’s FX Magazine, writer Veronica Simpson reviews “a few pioneering consultancies [who] have helped to ensure more people-focused […]

Louise Dredge

Posted on May 14, 2014