Glass-House Chats: How Do We Co-design With Nature?

Our first Chat of 2023 was How Can We Co-design with Nature? With the ongoing climate crisis, the relationship between […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Feb 9, 2023

Glass-House Chats: How Can We Use Stories to Change Places?

Our November Chat explored how we can use stories to change places. We are all storytellers in our own right. […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Dec 2, 2022

Design Training Workshop: Homes & Neighbourhoods by Design

On Saturday 19 November, The Glass-House delivered a full-day, in-person Design Training workshop, which was an introductory session from our […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Nov 29, 2022

TAP Symposium: Transform / Activate / SHAPE

During the summer of 2022, we had the pleasure of partnering with the TAP (Transforming and Activating Places) programme, through […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Sep 21, 2022

The State of Play Workshop:  A design and gaming workshop at the National Videogame Museum

On 12 August, we teamed up with the National Videogame Museum in Sheffield to offer our State of Play workshop […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Aug 23, 2022

A Place I Love: Vernon Park by Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Winter, spring, summer and fall – endless laughter, long walks, dirty ponds, sticky maple leaves, climbing walls. A park synonymous […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Aug 3, 2022

Working with TAP Interns to Evolve our Practice

Over the next 2 months, we will be working alongside two interns from Sheffield University who are enrolled on an […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Jun 22, 2022

Working with an Ethic of Care

Opinion piece Having worked at The Glass-House for a while now and having built my confidence and familiarity with The […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Jun 21, 2022

GLASS-HOUSE CHATS: Making as a design engagement tool

This month’s Glass-House Chat, Making as a design engagement tool, explored the act of making as a catalyst to enable […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on May 17, 2022

Diversifying Design: Considering the voice of nature in placemaking

On February 24, we hosted Diversifying Design: Urban ecology by, with and for diverse actors, our second hybrid collaborative event […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Mar 2, 2022