Following our first series of Glass-House Chats, we are pleased to announce a new series inspired by both the participants of the last series, and by current debate and trends in the fields of design and placemaking. 

Glass-House Chats are safe spaces to ask questions, explore ideas, approaches and methods, share learning and make connections. These free sessions, initially conceived for local authority officers and practitioners but open to all who are interested, are designed to help build confidence and capacity in the sectors to engage communities in design and placemaking.

The sessions will be chaired by The Glass-House Chief Executive Sophia de Sousa, who will briefly introduce the theme and then open the floor for an informal and open discussion among participants. To ensure space for meaningful discussion, places are limited to a small group. Key discussion points will be collated and shared after each session.

Our first theme will be “Future-proofing the design of places”. Find out more about the session and book tickets here.

You can read the takeaways from the previous Chats here.

Glass-House Chats Programme – Season 2

Friday 10 September 2021 – 10amFuture-proofing the design of places
Friday 8 October 2021 – 10amBringing children into the design process (under 13s)
Friday 12 November 2021 – 10amConnecting students and community-led design projects
Friday 10 December 2021 – 10amDesigning equitable spaces for all
Friday 14 January 2022 – 10amInclusive and open design engagement
Friday 4 February 2022 – 10amMaking the case for investment in inclusive design
Friday 18 March 2022 – 10amBuilding authentic relationships through design and placemaking
Friday 8 April 2022 – 10amBreaking down jargon in design and placemaking
Friday 6 May 2022 – 10amMaking as a design engagement tool
Friday 10 June 2022 – 10amChallenging stereotypes through co-design
Thursday 14 July 2022 – 10amGuerilla urbanism – an approach to consider?

We’re open to hearing your suggestions for chat topics, so please email