People, Place, Planet: Student Facilitator Blog

Shuqi Miao, a Sustainable Urbanism Masters student from UCL, gives her point of view about taking part in the London WEdesign co-design event at Alan Baxter Gallery, in February.

Guest Author

Posted on Apr 30, 2024

People, Place, Planet: Inclusive Crisis Recovery Participant Blog

Read an event participant’s take on Inclusive Crisis Recovery, part of the 2023/24 WEdesign Series, People, Place, Planet. By Mehul Banka

Guest Author

Posted on Mar 27, 2024

People, Place, Planet: Inclusive Crisis Recovery Participant Blog

By Stephen Smith There are not many people I know that can rouse a big audience on a wet Monday […]

Guest Author

Posted on Feb 13, 2024

People, Place, Planet: Inclusive Crisis Recovery Event Blog

On the evening of Monday 5 February, we gathered with a wonderfully diverse group of people for Inclusive Crisis Recovery, […]

Sophia de Sousa

Posted on Feb 12, 2024

Relearning Place: REpurpose Student Blog

Read our final WEdesign student blog from this series. In this edition PhD student Maria Ilia Kastrouni from Bartlett School of Planning, UCL writes about her experience collaborating with The Glass-House and her thoughts on the co-production process.

Guest Author

Posted on Apr 24, 2023

Bringing together Student Research and Community Engagement at The Junction

This blog is a contribution from a group of students from UCL Bartlett School of Planning, which The Glass-House helped […]

Guest Author

Posted on Jun 22, 2022

Diversifying Design: Considering the voice of nature in placemaking

On February 24, we hosted Diversifying Design: Urban ecology by, with and for diverse actors, our second hybrid collaborative event […]

Jake Stephenson-Bartley

Posted on Mar 2, 2022

UCL Student Research: “Best practice recommendations for participatory planning post-Covid-19”

As a group of planning students from UCL, we worked alongside The Glass-House in our module, Participatory Urban Planning, to consider how […]

Guest Author

Posted on Jul 14, 2021

The Air We Share: my experience as a facilitator with Johanna Gewolker

On Thursday 26th November, I took part in and facilitated The Glass-House’s ‘The Air We Share’ sustainable places co-design workshop […]

Guest Author

Posted on Dec 10, 2020
remote working UK -Image by olisa655 from Pixabay

Engaging Remotely During Lockdown with Lucy Natarajan

This blog is about shifting to remote forms of engagement. It tells the story of moving research work online in […]

Guest Author

Posted on Aug 24, 2020